Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I Need A Nap

Still have some snow but its slowly melting. I cannot believe that this weekend is bringing 65 and 70F degree weather! This is winter for goodness sakes. Having a 3 yr old around has really keep me going. I have never child proofed my home for my children or grands. If their little hands reach for something the hand gets a little smack and a firm no, do not touch. I wouldn't let my parents or inlaws put up things either. I wanted the children to grow up understanding there are things in this world you can't touch instead of everyone changing things for them. So far so good until today. William was gone splitting wood when  someone came to pick up a rabbit. H was watching a movie and playing with his truck so I stepped outside to talk to them gentleman and came back inside to get H. In 1 to 2 minutes he left his truck and movie, went to the bathroom and unrolled a whole roll of toilet paper and stuffed it in the toilet. That had to wait until we got the rabbits (yes ended up selling 4) and gentleman had left. Got the toilet mess cleaned up and took a young man outside to run out some of that energy. Tonight he said he wasn't ready for bed so I got him to rest on the pullout bed in the livingroom and watch a movie while I was on computer. That lasted all of 3 minutes.  Such a angel in his sleep but wondering what tomorrow brings for this old grandma.


small farm girl said...

Don't you just love how peaceful they are when they are sleeping? lol

Denise said...

Wonderful picture of your grandson "recharging", LOL. Sorry I haven't left many comments, I've been having a hard time getting onto several blogs I follow. Love to read about the goings on at your lovely homestead, my girls are doing well and still laying as of this morning!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Peggy, I TOTALLY AGREE --when it comes to kids. Teach them --and don't put things up.... My best friend has twin grandsons (almost 2).. Those kids have no rules or boundaries --and are 'holy terrors'... I just don't understand raising kids that way... Your little guy is adorable --even if he did make a mess in the bathroom. He's ALL BOY.... ha


Anonymous said...

You are getting quite a workout! I know you will sleep well tonight too. Happy New Year wishes to you and your family.

Granny said...

He looks like an angel laying there. Yep, recharging those batteries and getting ready for another big day tomorrow. lol

Thistle Cove Farm said...

oh mercy. Now you know why God gives you children when you're young! Sounds like you're getting a workout, bless you.

Anonymous said...

We haven't really child-proofed anything here either since we don't have little ones here that often but last December we just plopped my 5 year old niece and her almost 11 month old brother in the play pen together while we did some stuff in the kitchen, we had the play pen set up in the kitchen at the time too, they live in Georgia! My nephew is almost 23 mos. old now and does things like his daddy did when he was little though, they have their hands full with him but his big sister is almost 6 now and can be some help though.


Kelly said...

That is why children come to young women. I don't think I could do it at 49. I know women who do and I take my hat off to them. It makes me tired just reading your blog about that little Energizer Bunny.

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

I am smiling that your grandson is challenging you so. Frankly, I would prefer such an inquisitive, adventuresome child to one who sits still as if in a catatonic state in from of the TV for hours on end. I trust the two of you stay safe and enjoy going to bed early.

amelia said...

My grandchildren who were just here have no boundaries either and God forbid I should smack a hand!! It makes it such a lot of work and as much as I love them, they wear me out and I wish they would sit still for a few minutes.

The two little girls scream at the top of their lungs if something displeases them and it's not pleasant!!

Tracy Bruring said...

oh I agree Peggy. They don't act like they like the boundries but you are showing them their safe zone. I am proud of you. I am pretty much the same...kind of. I do have my spoiling moments...especially with my 3 yr old grand daughter whom you met and who kissed your goats. That smile! Melts this old grandmas heart!