Baby E was excited to take part in her first treasure hunt. She even wore her pirate bandanna proudly.
There were 3 teams this year. The Red, Blue, and Yellow. Each team had different clues going in different directions so they all wouldn't be going in the same direction at the same time. There were 6 stations with something they had to do to get the next clue and there was a small loot bag for each person. There were puzzles to put together and then flip over to read the clue on the back. There was clues buried in the ground. They had to read a compass to find a couple of clues. Climb a crows nest to spot their crews colors. They had to count 100 steps into the woods to find a clue. The best one of all was having to hop in their car and drive to Tractor Supply to find their teams color and pirate flag in the store. Once they found it they had to sing "We wish you a Merry Christmas" to the manager to receive their next clue that was only part one of a 3 part clue. They had to wait on the other teams to arrive, sing, and put their clue together before all three teams combined their clues to find where the treasure was hidden. It was of course back at Hidden Haven waiting for them at the fire pit. My friend Gerda joined us for the day and had so much fun watching everyone race from one station to the other and trying to figure out clues. Poor Megan had a stressful time putting the puzzle together and got behind the other teams. Never under estimate the Red Team though as they come from behind and finished first. She may have drove like a mad woman down our driveway but her team finished first. Everyone seemed to enjoy their treasures and we had fun sitting around their fire talking about this years treasure hunt before going inside for a huge Christmas dinner.
Hi Peggy, What a lot of fun! Thanks for sharing the photos. Looks like everyone enjoyed themselves.
Peggy, that sounds like blast for all ages.
Looks like fun but I can't believe the tee shirts!! We have blizzard conditions here and have had for the last two days! Almost zero visibility and COLD!!
Did Q come and have a good time too?
I'm glad you had such a wonderful time with family. I chuckled at the variety of clothing from t-shirts to lined hoodies. Is Megan still keeping baby E for the mother? She is a little cutie. I'm sure the grands enjoyed seeing all the animals.
That sounds like a lot of fun! I would love to make my son a treasure hunt. He would really enjoy it.
Oh, What fun! and everyone looks like they had a blast! Thanks for sharing the pictures and how it all works.
Everyone looked like they had a blast! Thanks for sharing the photos and the ideas.
Now that sounds like fun! We have something like that but ours is around Halloween. It's too cold here to do it during Christmas. lol
Waaaaaaaaaaaaa, I want to be there to play the treasure hunt!!!! Sounds like sooo much fun and I love the idea of having to drive to the store, find the flags and sing to the manager! lol It's no wonder everyone looks forward to this. xoxo
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