This blog is a journal of the simple living on a small 2 and a half acre farm. The ups and downs. The good and the not so good. Adventures of Hidden Haven animals and some of my own. The sharing of our frugal, hardworking, attempt to be as self sufficient as possible. Please stop by often as we love company!
Monday, January 17, 2011
My Bags Are Pack
No I am not going anywhere unless its to spend the night in a goat stall. The bags I am referring to are the birthing kit, animal medicine kit,and the diaper bag with sweaters for the baby goats and soft baby receiving blankets to help clean them off. I am such a bad mom to my goats this go round. I have always planned and had the birthing date for all my goats. I only missed a few days with Diva and that was my first time dealing with pregnant goats. This year a lady gave us 2 beautiful Nigerian Dwarf doelings, a Nigerian Dwarf buck, and a Nigerian Dwarf weather (male that has been fixed). They weren't related to each other but when she purchased them she raised them together so dumb me kept them together and in with Buttons our Alpine/Nubian milk goat and with Precious our mini Nubian. Even though Buttons stands way taller than Little Man he found a way around it and she is pregnant. I felt bad that she had to tell me by starting to dry herself off but now its VERY obvious. She is really big to be carry half Nigerian Dwarf babies and I am going crazy since I don't have a due date. I make about 50 trips each day (and night) out to check the goats and each time they roll their eyes and whisper about the crazy lady looking at their backside and their udders. I know all the signs to look for a few weeks, a few days, before and the day of delivery but it still drives me crazy not having a known due date for Buttons and a for sure if Haley and Blackie are bred. My bet is they are as they both are starting to get milk bag where before you couldn't even see their udders. So I got my bags out, cleaned them out and restock them. Got the baby monitors out and ready. Cleaned out all the goat stalls and rebedded them with fresh bedding. Wormed and vaccinated each goat, which I always do each season anyway. I am all ready for goat babies if I could just get the girls to let me in on when I would be very happy. So if you need me I will be the weird lady bent over in the goat pen checking out goats bottoms and udders. Enjoy your evening and count those blessings!
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Oh Peggy, You are such a good Mommy.. Your furry babies are so lucky to have you.. Please keep us posted...Hope everything works out well...
You sound like a great goat mom to me. Especially when you mention the soft baby blankets and the little goat sweaters.....how sweet is that. I am Granny J's daughter and I always enjoy reading your posts. Good luck with the goat births!!
love kidding time, even when its in the middle of the winter. Just so wonderful to see new life arrive on the farm. Sounds like you are all ready for the big event
Peggy I love you. And even though your girls all roll their eyes, they are happy to live on your farm. Good luck. I hope all births go easy with many multiples.
I hope all goes well with the birthing. I can't wait to see pictures of the babies. I always say if I could be an animal I'd love to live at your place. You're the best critter mama I know.
Just like teenagers. They may roll their eyes but they love the attention. They are really saying, "Here comes Mom again, she just loves us".
So you are the "on call" midwife! I still don't know how you do all that you do, and you do it so well, hope all goes well with the birthing.
I am doing the same thing with my two ewes. This is my first year ever with births other than rabbits, kittys or puppies, so I'm busy looking at backsides and feeling udders. Poor Staci, my oldest ewe. I swear, she is saying "rub me there one more time, woman, and I'll...."
Good luck with your kidding season! No kidding season here, haven't had one since '07.
You're a Great Mom! Look ofrward to seeing pix of new kids.
Have agreat wk.
Can't wait to see pictures of the kids.
Do you keep in touch with Diva's new owner? I sometimes wonder how they're doing.
You have an award waiting for you on my blog. Hope that's okay.
love reading about those days but don't miss 'em! -grin- have fun and happy birthing, er, I mean kidding.
Oh how I love that someone is as crazy as I am! :)
What a loving goat mom you are!
And you know...before I met all you wonderful goat people I thought I was the only one who heard the goats whisper.....
Much love and luck to you.....
Can't wait to hear the rest of the story!
I missed this!!
I hope all goes well when the time comes!! I know you'll be on top of everything, you always are and your animals are lucky to have you!!!
Well, with babies come milk and cheese and lotions and you know all the stuff.
You are a good goat Vet/Mom so I don't worry but I know you are so {{hugs}} to you!
Hi Peggy ~ I need to be doing the same thing , as I think I have a date of one of my goats giving birth around Feb. 4th. But I'm not sure about the second doe.
I need to e-mail you with a few questions? I'm getting very nervous about them giving birth , since this will be our first experience.
~ Be Blessed ~
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