Poor little seagulls are so lost. They got blown inland during the hurricanes this past summer and don't know how to get back to the ocean. They are 4 1/2 hours from the coast residing in a parking lot between Burger King and Chinese Buffet in Lexington, NC. I want to load them up in the van and take them to the ocean and set them free. Sweet William told me if I figured out how to catch all of them ( over 100 total) he would haul them to the coast in his semi.... course he knows I have no ideal how to catch one seagull much less over 100!!! You think the Humane Society would do something instead of letting them stay there so long.
We have seagulls here too, and we live on the Mississippi river, miles from the seashore! I think they must adapt pretty well. I wouldn't worry too much!
These seagulls aren't at the river or near any water. They are in s parking lot down town.
That's funny (and sad). We have hardly any seagulls here by the Great Barrier Reef (well, in Townsville, anyway). I think the lorikeets, mynah birds (ugh), pigeons (again, ugh) and ibis' must drive them away.
I've just found your site and love it. I love the idea of being so self sufficient. I wish I could do the same. I'll certainly be back to check your site more, especially now that I've discovered Norm's impending travel plans.
When I read the title then looked at the photo I laughed... But when I read the story I nearly cried. What could anyone do though? If anything is done, I would love an update! xx
Gulls are scavengers and opportunistic feeders, it sounds like they must think they are in birdy heaven with a couple of fast food restaurants near by. I bet people love to throw them the odd chip or bun!!!! Wrong thing to do!!!
LUNCH!!!! Hey, they aren't the only sea birds that are lost.....seagulls...seahawks....get it?! Yeah, I know, too corny!
When I was a little girl, we'd go to McDonalds every Sunday morning before church to eat a biscuit. We'd sit by the window and watch the seagulls in the K-mart parking lot next door. My dad always said they were having church because there was always one standing in front of the others in the opposite direction. He was the preacher. The ones on the light posts were in the balcony. Ahhh...good memories. Thanks for the great start to the day, Peggy!
That looks very common to me....I go to Kmart or anywhere and they are everywhere.....they do like to hang around the fast food places...
Beautiful photos. I love shots like that. We have wild ducks near the Marina where I live and I go down twice a week to feed them.
Thanks for visiting The Rock Bitch for me. You rule! :-)
those stupid birds..
we have them all voer here in summer..i bet some of them are mine..heehee
bring them back will ya, personally escort me a few birds please;)
they love our lake here...
Peggy, you have a tender heart....perhaps God will guide them home eventually. Good thing the weather is mild.
You know seagulls are a regular occurence here in nz, they are pretty much everywhere...
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