This is Lady and Tramp wanting the treats in my hand. Sheba on the right already has hers.
Dimples is sitting on the deck waiting for me to open the door for her.
Photo of dog lot with Fran's house in the background.
Toolshed/chicken house on left and Fran's daughter's house is the red building.
Daffodil's are blooming allover the yard
Sorry Alice I can't remember what you called this tree but it is full of winter blooms.
So this is a little of my neighborhood. Not beautiful mountain views like Alice 's (loved your photos) Its flat and ugly right now till spring comes and then everything is green and beautiful. As you can see I still have tons of leaves and I have raked all winter . Have burnt piles and piles and put tons on the mulch pile but still have tons to rake.
Love the photos, thank you for sharing them. Please keep posting them, I find it fascinating to see where people live. I must get organised and post some of my town. Hope your day is a good one.
Not ugly at all! I think it's wonderful that you have actual seasons where you are. Things stay pretty much the same here except it is either 'dry' or 'wet'. I love the foresty environment you live in - so pretty. The forest around here are more subtropical rainforesty with dry eucalypt bushland surrounds.
Thanks for sharing - it's great to get an insight into the everyday environment that other people live in.
thanks Peggy - can't wait to see next weeks walk through my neighbourhood - oh yes, this is a weekly thing ! I love the photos - all woodsy and cold looking - just wonderful for me to see, sweltering in this heat
I am sure that the plant with the red flowers is a camellia
Hi Peggy! Once again I loved looking at all your photo's! Even with everything "brown" it's still gorgeous there! (I love your chicken coop!) I haven't had a chance to check your Blog lately...We are back to having sick kids or being constantly on the go. I'm really sorry to hear about your ex-DIL and pray that your grandson is doing all right? Hugs, Sher
Love all these photos! Dimples is such cutie!
The Whippy Curly Tails in the Toasty South
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