Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Another 105 day. At least I know one good thing the heat does. It raises the temps on my hens to where they are giving me lots of eggs. Today I collected 31 eggs! Can you see egg salad, deviled eggs and lots of baking in my future?


Miss Robyn said...

31 eggs??? I have about 10 chooks and I am lucky if I get 1 a day... my hens think their soul purpose in life is to be gorgeous, cluck & fluff around the chook pen and eat! love the little blue one!
yep, lots of baking or maybe you could sell some eggs on a roadside stall... in your spare time (hee, hee)

Carole Burant said...

Ooooh look at all those fresh eggs!! I don't know how you guys live with that kind of heat day after day...we get it for a couple of days and it completely does us in. Today it went up to 88 here and that was enough for me!! xox

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

You would think by the time you gathered them they would be already BOILED!! SMILE!! Thanks for stopping by today!! I always love a visit from you my friend..Sandy
It is blazing HOT here too...

Tossing Pebbles in the Stream said...

Don't forget pickled eggs! This is how I perserve my extra eggs.

I should go an take Pea swimming. There are 200 lakes within the boundaries of her city an hour from here.!

meggie said...

Oh those eggs look so inviting. I love egg salad.
Also love your little birdhouses in your last post!
Try to stay cool.

DonnaB said...

Maybe a quiche or two...or an angel food cake...they use lots of eggs!

Anonymous said...

I just love eggs. Can't imagine getting my very own fresh ones from my pals in the coupe.
Take care,

Alice said...

Those eggs look beautiful and I'm sure they are much better for one's health than those purchased in a cardboard carton - nothing quite like farmfresh eggs in a basket.

Do you preserve your eggs, Peggy?

Baba said...

Hi Peggy, We love eggs in our house.I like egg salad, deviled eggs,pound cake,egg omelets so many thing to do with eggs.I did not know that a heated hen house makes for more eggs...no farm girl here. Baba

JoyceAnn said...

Fresh eggs taste sooo good. I hope to get my chicken coop built this fall and have some of those fresh eggs next year.
Enjoy those eggs !

Rosa said...

They are beautiful! But I don't see that oven being turned on in this heat! Stay cool now Peggy! xo

Paula said...

Oooo...one day we will have eggs again! What a harvest today!! Whenever our hens produced a rather funny shaped/colored egg, I would blow it out and keep it on display in the kitchen for awhile. That was a fun conversation piece when people came to visit. :)