I know I am suppose to be decluttering and getting rid of things but... I just couldn't throw this old farmers sink away. I decided to make a water fountain using it, the top off a old toilet, and a spitting turtle I have had for several years.
That looked so nice and homesteady I decided to add some salvia flowers, peppermint and spearmint plants from another flower bed. I also put a tin chicken I was given several years ago by the fountain and a old birdcage with ivy beside it. The flower cart I have had forever and will be planting some herbs in the pots.
The star wheel and birdhouses I put up on the wellhouse last year. The pole, birdfeeder and birdbath were given to William when he did some work for a lady. She was throwing away about 8 poles and 15 birdfeedeers! Everything I used I already had so this little flower garden cost zero. We had some pieces of privacy fence lying around so I brought one over to put between the wellhouse and the soap building. I couldn't leave it bare so I looked around to for things to decorate it with.
Found more birdhouses, a metal lantern on a stand, a ceramic chicken, old wheelbarrow handles and a few other things. Moved a table and 3 chairs someone had thrown away and William brought home last year next to the fence.
Can you believe some people are so lazy they drive right through your yard and park at your back porch so they don't have to walk far! I get so mad when they don't park in our driveway parking area that I came up with a plan. I got William to put up a fence out of posts and boards we had laying around. We put birdhouses on each post and planted a climbing rose bush at each end post. This fence is right in the front yard beside the row of dogwoods.
It now blocks anyone wanting to drive through my yard and also houses Momma Bird and her now 3 babies and didn't cost anything.
There is still one more egg I hope hatches.
Love,Love Love your place. It screams Welcome, come set ,relax, talk much, laugh often!:o)
Hope youre having a great wk.
How totally rude to drive into your yard!!
You are so creative and you have made such a pretty space there with the old sink and all the other bits. It's so nice to see a picture of the house, it's usually just the animals!!!
I'd really like to know what such tiny creatures as those little birds, eat!! Does mum regurgitate? I can't see them being able to eat anything else, they are so small!!
You sound good. There are lots of questions I could ask, but will be content with seeing that you seem happy. :)
Enjoy the rest of the day!
I love your homestead decorating. That is my style of yard decor. I would be livid if someone drove through my yard. The fence looks great and people should get the message now.
Thanks much for sharing with me. You're a treasure. :)
Everything looks so homey and welcoming!! Love the fountain!
I've been catching up on what I've missed. I can see the pigs, chickens, rabbits, and other animals are keeping you busy, not to mention all the other stuff you've been doing.
So glad to hear that the sick are improving, and how wonderful that Melody got the babies back!!
Hi Peggy, I'd love to see your homestead sometime. AND---those precious baby Chickadees are just so tiny... Keep us posted --with pictures of them as they grow.
I know what you mean about not wanting to throw things away. It's hard... For creative people, there's always something that you can do with them--or make out of them!!!!!
Thanks for sharing.
P.S. Great idea about putting up the fence to keep people from driving THROUGH your yard... GADS!
Your home looks so inviting for the critters and birds to come visit.
Love your decorating ideas.
Hope you are doing well.
How rude for you to block people from parking wherever they want! teehee.
Love what you did here. Looks very inviting!
Ohhh Peggy I need you and William to come on over and fix up my backyard. I need a new back fence and some flowers and a bit of decorating to make it welcoming like the Haven
I'll BBQ for you :o)
Enjoyed the pictures Peggy!
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