Gerda's daughter Gloria and her teenagers cooked and sold hotdogs and hamburgers to our shoppers. Construction workers down the street came for lunch and ended up buying some items while browsing. Though the heat wiped me out all in all it was a good yardsale. Gerda and I planning another one in a few weeks after we recoup and gather more items.
I had let things go around here getting ready for and having the yardsale so the past few days have been playing catch up. The laundry is caught up along with the livingroom and kitchen being cleaned. Today I am working on the dining and bath rooms. Tomorrow I am cleaning and rearranging the bedrooms. While at the yardsale my mind was working on other projects I could do around the homestead. I pictured in my mind what I wanted to do with the screened in backporch. I wanted it to look primitive yet warm and inviting. I finished it this morning except for one last thing I need to hang. Its more country farmhouse look than primitive but I love it and will show pictures after I get that one last thing done. Granny J over at Granny's Place has got me hooked on a blog called Confessions of a Curbshopaholic. Click on the name and you will be hooked too! She makes the most wonderful, beautiful, amazing things with things she picks up from the curb where people have set out for the trashman. You should scroll through all her posts to see all the things she has made from trash. She even brought home a boxspring and used the batting in a project and a spring in another one. It sure has got my mind running in things I can do around here. Granny J also has me rethinking pallets and things that can be made with them. So Granny its all your fault I don't have time to blog! LOL
The animals weren't too happy with us going out to feed at 4:30AM with flashlights on yardsale days. They sure were happy to have things back to their regular schedule.
Crackers hopefully will hatch her eggs in a few days. The piglets are growing like weeds and eating everything in sight.
Tessa is being a good mom to her two baby chicks. She doesn't seem to mind that they will grow up to be chickens. She just wanted to raise babies. Fred is one proud poppa. He hasn't stopped strutting since the baby chicks started running around the pen.

Gardens have taken off and growing good. They need attention and hopefully I can give it to them later today. Still have more projects in mind for outside when I can get to them. So much that needs doing, so much I want to do. I just need more time. You don't happen to have any extra laying around do you?
Hey sweet friend. Hope you're settling in nicely, and that life is joyful for you (in all ways!).
With love.
I'm so happy you're back at Hidden Haven, it's wonderful reading all about the animals and life there. I'm sure you're happy to be there too..
Wish I could have been at your yard sale. I know what you mean about always thinking of one more project. I had a yard sale last year and several people looked at a talble full of odd coffee cups for 25¢ each but no one bought them. That night I put some dirt in each cup, stuck one hen (think hen and chicks) in each and sold every one of them for $2.50 each the next day.
I love reading about what is happening at Hidden Haven. Your animal family stories are priceless.
Oh my gosh, what fun to find that you have a blog again...I missed you...I still have a bit of my poison ivy soap that i bought from you....I love it, and it's just about time for more...I haven't been blogging much, but I do enjoy stopping in once and awhile to visit my blogging friends... judy
Oh my gosh Peggy you so need to become my mom, you can come and help me plant my garden, clean the house, plant the flowers in the back and make the yard look friendly and inviting. We have a spare room that you could call your own and I am sure Lily dog will give you lots of slobber kisses!! :o)
Hope you have a wonderful day Peggy!
wendy, sure am happy for fred an tessa,those pigs sure r growing, glad your yard sale went good,me an poo r doing good, she is waiting on her workmans comps check,as of the first of april she has been off the truck, the doctor said she may need surgy on her neck will email u soon , u have a great day an stay cool.
Enjoyed reading your updates about the animals and thanks for sharing that great blog. I love trash to treasure ideas.
~ Be Blessed ~
HI Peggy, I'm just happy to see you SO happy these days. Even though your busy times, you seem to have some 'life' inside of you now... Praise God for that--and for you...
We've had a wonderful day today at the beach... Beautiful weather after the rain yesterday (clear, sunny, breezy, warm---PERFECT)...
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