What a day on the homestead. We had to move some hens first thing this morning as they were tormenting some of the chicks. Got them all rearranged and found one of the tiny baby bunnies had his foot hung in the wire bottom of the cage. He is a tiny thing compared to his siblings so it took almost 20 minutes getting his foot out. Went back out after breakfast to find that Bonnie the goose was jealous of Crackers the duck and was fighting her for her eggs. Bonnie's eggs didn't hatch so we cleaned her nest and hoped she would still have time to hatch some this year. Bonnie decided it would be easier to fight Crackers and take hers. We ended up giving some of Crackers eggs to Bonnie and got Crackers settled back down in her nest. Hopefully both of them will hatch ducklings around May 24. Cleaned the rabbit pens and raked up the poo before heading in to check on Tessa the turkey. Remember her eggs didn't hatch so we gave her chicken eggs. She hatched one chick a few days ago and I was going to take the rest of the eggs out today only to find another chick pecking and peeping to get out of its shell. Will leave the eggs a few more days to see how many chicks she hatches. You never know what kind of baby a animal will have around Hidden Haven. We are a mixed up but happy herd here. While working in the front yard I decided to check the birdhouse. A bird started checking it out a few minutes after we hung it a few weeks ago. The photo shows what I found. There is one baby bird hatched next to the momma bird and there are 3 teeny tiny eggs I hope will hatch soon. The top lifts up on the birdhouse so I was able to get a picture without disturbing momma bird. Getting ready for the huge yardsale this weekend. Can't wait as I have the livingroom piled full of boxes packed with goodies waiting to be sold. It will be so good to get rid of clutter and also make a little money. There is so much stuff that needs to go so a simple life can be had again.
Megan is doing really well. She is back at work and enjoying watch Q playing baseball or taking him to practice. Sheri's husband still has a long way to go and is having problems remembering things. I leave you with what she had to post about him. Please keep him in your prayers and Sheri too. She is exhausted and under alot of stress.
Sheri's Post:
is Ward better physically? a little bit- he can sit up by himself, but not stand on his own yet, and even though they haven't removed his feeding tube, they are allowing him anything he wants to drink CAUTIOUSLY with supervision. he chose and enjoyed several sips of ginger ale- the first thing he's had to drink in three weeks.
is Ward better mentally? yes and no. when I got there today he smiled and called me Angel Pumpkin and his little Boxfish (ya- we're a creepy old mushy mushy couple), but continued to be easily frustrated and agitated.
here's what I figured out. If he wants to do something he's not allowed to do, like get dressed and leave the hospital (which he insists on doing every five minutes or so), saying "no dear- you can't do that yet" even if followed by a rational calm explanation gets scowling and cursing. saying "yes dear- we'll do that as soon as..."and the exact same rational calm explanation will elicit a sigh of acceptance...for about five minutes when it starts over again.
we watched Land of the Lost, with Will Ferrell, and he laughed at all the right parts, was happy to see Alec when I retrieved him from work at Doggy Daycare (altho he doesn't remember Doggy Daycare at all and the whole "Alec is working at Doggy Daycare" thing sorta went over his head) and seemed content to stay with tonight's sitter, Myrna, altho he said "See you in a little bit" in response to our "See you tomorrow".
baby steps.
No fair! I've had a bird house in my yard for a couple of years and no chickadees have nested in it. Sure, they're happy to eat my seeds but guess my place isn't good enough to call home.
You have a lot of different babies hatching. The chickadee and baby is so cute. I pray that Sherri's husband gets well soon. Helen
Good luck with the sale. I hope you make buckets. It's great to hear that the chicks are hatching. We are going to order turkeys. We hope to have hens to lay and set on eggs.
I'd love to be able to come to your yard sale. I'm sure it will be a big success. I love reading your stories about the foster parenting at your place. I told hubby that someday we're going to make a trip and stop by to see your place. My parents were both born in NC and I'd love to find their birthplaces. Of course we all know when someday is don't we? LOL
I have Sherri, Ward and Megan on my prayer list. I'll ask for a special prayer for Sherri and Ward at bible study today.
I have so many birds and have never seen a chickadee nest! Even though we have a flock that we feed!!
You have such a busy life and I often think of you when I'm complaining about my own! I have no right to complain at all.
Bird houses wouldn't be good here since all our cats are good bird hunters though, congrats on all the baby animals! Continued prayers for Sheri and Ward.
Oh how sweet, Peggy.... I thought I was going to have some Chickadee babies here---but they fought with the Bluebirds for the nestbox --and then both families left. The nestbox is empty... Sigh!!!!
Congrats on ALL of your new babies at the farm....
Thanks for the update on your daughter and friends.
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