Seems like today is a day of staying on knees in prayer. My daughter Megan is being admitted into the hospital as I type this. Please keep her and her family in your prayers. Its been and is going to be a very rough road for them for awhile. A homestead forum friend who I have become close to and she and her family visited here a year ago has so much going on.

Her husband had cancer and lost a eye, also has heart problems and is a diabetic had surgery for a skin graft over the cancer surgery. He is now in ICU on a ventilator. He is in heart failure. Sheri has been throwing up and running a fever so she isn't allowed to be with him until she has gone 24 hours without being sick or having a fever. She is beside herself. She and their 10 yr old son are staying in a motel next to the hospital but she is so wanting to be with her husband. They are far from home with no friends or family close by. So if you are a praying person I ask you to please keep these wonderful people in your prayers. I know they feel they are at the end of their ropes and have no where or no one to turn to. With all of us praying it will be some comfort for them and God always hears and answers prayers. Maybe not in our time or our wishes but he will hear and be with them.
Hi Peggy, I'm so sorry to hear about Megan... What is wrong with her? I will keep her in my prayers and also your homestead friends, Sheri and Ward.
Take care of YOU---and may God Bless you and all of your family and friends.
Lots of prayers are being sent from Canada!
Prayers for everyone from our corner of the world. Please keep us posted when you can.
I am praying for all of you Peggy.
Praying here!
Sending up prayers for Megan and also your friends Sherry, Ward and Alec. Helen
Hey sweet friend. Hanging in there with you.
Prayers are being lifted up!
Oh! Please let us know how things go. Prayers here also.
Peggy I am so sorry for all of this. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your loved ones.
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