The day started early. Fed the animals so that we could go to a yard sale a big church was having. I was very lucky and found several items and only spent $7.10. I got a GE electric skillet that also has the crock insert to turn it into a crockpot for only $2.00. A beautiful ceramic oil lamp for $3.00. 2 Old Navy shirts for 25 cents each, a pocket cassette player for $1.00 and a audio mystery book for 25cents. Now I can listen to a book while working in the garden. A nice flower arrangement to hang on my front door for 25 cents and several vintage Christmas ornaments for 35 cents. I would have posted pics of my finds but my camera batteries are charging. After the yardsale we came home and I got busy setting out the monkey grass I was given. There was a lot of it so I set out some on each side of the birdhouse fence, some around the big pine tree beside the parking area and the rest in the flower bed beside the parking area. I raked and picked up a few piles of leaves around those areas before heading to one of the gardens. I planted more bell peppers and mulched them as well as picking my first cucumber and bell peppers of the season! For supper I fixed the last of the green peas from the garden, the first mess of green beans from the garden, squash from the garden, homemade cole slaw, hamburger helper with venison burger from the freezer (thanks to my brother Don who supplies us with venison every year) and dinner rolls. I have been picking mint from the herb garden and making fresh ice cold mint tea each day and am hooked! I have made peppermint, spearmint and even chocolate mint tea. They are all wonderful. I am also drying some of each so I can make tea this winter. There is laundry waiting to be folded and dishes to put away before I settle in for the night. I hope each of you have a blessed weekend. Please don't forget the reason for this holiday and say a prayer for those families that lost someone fighting for our freedom.
Happy Memorial Day Weekend, Peggy.... YES---let's remember those service men and women who died for our freedom. Praise God for all of THEM.
Love your new blog look.... It looks so patriotic...
You got some really good buys at the church yard sale. Those usually have the best deals. I've never seen one of hte electric skillets with the crock insert. The mint iced tea sounds wonderful. I want to get some starts of different mints. You had a really busy day and supper sounds delicious. The only way I like peas are fresh from the garden. I usually end up shelling a couple of handfuls and eating them raw.
Have a great weekend Peggy and give some of those critters a hug from me. Especially the little goats. Hope you get a chance to post some pics of them soon. They're so cute.
Life sounds busy but sweet there on the homestead. Enjoy your weekend. :)
Enjoyed reading about your yard sale finds , haven't been to a yard sale in a long time. I'm starting to get yard sale fever , think I need a fix (LOL).
Hope your " Memorial Day " weekend is great.
~ Be Blessed ~
Hi sis:-) How about that, I also went to a church yard sale! lol I bought for over $35, just couldn't help myself! hehe You really did well in your purchases...aren't yard sales and such a great thing?:-)
I can't believe you've got veggies growing already!! We haven't even planted our garden yet but hopefully will get it done this coming week. It's been so gorgeous and hot lately, I'm sure the danger of frost is now over....I hope! lol
You have me curious...what is monkey grass??? And how about sending me a glass of chocolate mint tea?? hehe Love ya sis. xoxo
Although it is not memorial day here, I wish all those that so unselfishly give time and risk their lives a sincere thank you!
You will never fully know what it means to all of us that you were so giving.
That is so cool, God bless you dear, and I am using the same graphic for my Memorial Day post too, have a blessed day,Barbara
I am back from Belgium. I found he war memorials I visited there very moving.
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