Have been enjoying the day as tomorrow brings back the 90F weather. I am so not a summer person. Give me snow, cold winter winds and a nice warm fire and a mug of tea or cocoa any day. I love being outside in the snow. Its beautiful and so quiet and peaceful. I can always bundle up but I think there would be a problem if I went naked to try to cool off in these hot humid days! But anyhoo I did a little gardening. Got some beautiful squash from one garden that will be tomorrows supper. I gave Rusty and Kuma baths. We took our trash to the dump and let them both ride and believe me they needed those baths just so they would smell better! I cleaned off the front porch and did a little rearranging. Set out some moon flowers and purple sage that a friend gave me. Got the kitchen and back porch cleaned and swept. Folded and put away laundry, cleaned the rabbit cages, and the duck swimming pools. The baby bunnies are so cute!
Grilled baby back ribs, homemade coleslaw, sauteed squash and potatoes, homemade mac n cheese and biscuits was supper tonight followed by strawberry shortcake made with strawberries from the homestead. Thank you Pam for the biscuit recipe. I also made a batch of cookies and will post the recipe tomorrow. I found the recipe on a blog and can't remember which one so will try to find it tonight. They are sooooo good! Life here on the homestead keeps me busy but its a good busy and I am blessed to love and enjoy every minute.
We're having the really hot humid weather too. I hate it! I'm with you on the cold weather. I can always pile on blankets or put on more clothes. I'd scare the neighbors if I started stripping off. LOL
You really worked hard today. I hope you get lots of rest tonight.
You sound good, sweet thing. Counting blessings one day at a time, eh? Yeah, me too! :)
YUMMY SUPPER! wish I lived close I'd invite myself over.... ha!
I like cool weather but not much snow. Since we rarely have any here I don't think I am adapted for it.
I try to get out early in the morning for the garden and yard work around here.
Your supper sounds delicious! I am happy you tried the biscuits.
I love Mr.Bean.(the show and rabbit) We used to watch it on PBS years ago.
Have a great day.
I'm with you totally on the hot weather, I just loathe it!! I love our winters but I always feel bad for all the critters who have to live outside so I'm torn!!
I bet William enjoys your cooking!!! Don't work too hard though, especially in this heat!!
Kuma probably thinks Rusty is her "mini me" hehe. She LOVES riding in the car or truck. I'm glad they get along =)
Hi Peggy, Looks like life on the Homestead is GREAT... I had to laugh at you talking about Rusty and Kuma getting baths because they SMELLED....
Reminded me of how I feel this week --not able to take a bath or shower... I don't think I smell --but would feel so much better if I could stand up long enough to take a nice shower. I've sponged all week --and even washed my hair over the kitchen sink. This knee situation is horrible--and not something I am getting used to....
Peggy your peace and happiness just shines clear through this blog pages. I am very, very happy for you Dear Friend.
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