Went to the bread store today. You can buy day old bread for $6 a rack.
We also went to Vass and picked up some laying hens. They have already settled right in and act like they have been here forever. And we stopped by a friend of Williams and picked up a rooster he found for my 2 rose comb bantams. He had also been on the look out for a boar goat for me. Mandy will be going back to her home soon and Precious would be the only goat here. Lonely goats cry alot so I wanted a boyfriend for her. We brought blue eyed Chuckie (named after the neighbor because of the beard) home. He is 2 years old but will be perfect for Precious when she is a little older. At least he will be close by to keep her company and she will know she isn't the only goat here. The only picture I have isn't a good one as he was just meeting the girls. I will get a close up tomorrow and you can see his pretty blue eyes.
Didn't get a lot done in outside chores today because of being on the road but made sure the rabbits got their frozen water bottles and now they are back in the freezer for tomorrow. Did some raking and cleaning around the soap building. Moved chickens around into different pens and cleaned drinking buckets. Tomorrow is planned to spend all day outside working and finishing some things off my to do list. No rain is called for the next several days.
Supper was again eaten on the back porch sitting in the rocking chairs and using tv trays for tables. Tomato basil penne, fresh squash, potatoes, onions, peppers, garlic and parsley from the garden stir fried in a little olive oil, fresh salad with items from the garden tossed in a basil vinaigrette, fresh sliced cantaloupe, and brown and serve rolls from the bread store. Of course there were big tall glasses of iced mint tea made with mint from the garden. I may not like heat and summertime but I sure do love preparing and eating meals with things from the garden.
Thank you for your prayers for Maggie. She decided to leave her job. This is the first time in her adult life she isn't working. She and her family are on vacation with Melody and her family right now but when they return she has a couple of interviews to go to. She is a graphic designer and has several jobs she does on the side for people. If you go to the fair near Gatlinburg, TN she designed the brochure. I think she made the right choice given the things going on at work. With all the prayers I am sure things will work out for her. Megan is doing great. She is working parttime now and getting things ready so she can go back to school this fall. She walking the track at lunchtime and after work and has lost 14 pounds in the past couple weeks! I am very blessed to have 3 beautiful, smart, kind and loving daughters. Hope you day was a cool, blessed one!
I wish I could send some of the rain we've been having your way. Grampy mowed the yard today and said it felt like he sunk down with every step he took. It has been really hot here today and so himid that it's hard for me to breathe.
With working vacation bible school I haven't gotten a thing done at home this week. Will be mailing your hen and chick plants next Monday.
Take care and try not to work too hard.
Thanks for the updates on everyone. Your supper on the porch sounds so refreshing and good. We have a local fruit/veg. stand and we stock up on Thursdays for the weekend.
I remember my grandpa buying day old bread for his animals too. Good memories.
Wishing you a nice weekend and hopefully some much needed rain soon.
Hi Peggy, I know you are proud of your daughters. All are smart gals and will be okay. They are like their Mama.
We've been horribly hot and humid here too--but we did turn on the AC. I just can't stand it--with this horrible knee pain.
The rain has gone all around us too lately. George had to water all of the container plants today...
Stay COOL if you can.
We're melting here too!
Love the pix. Love hearing about all the happenings at The Homestead!
Check with the produce manager at your grocery ,DS is Produce Manager here , he saves produce for a guy to come pick up they are free for the taking all you have to do is pick up .
Have a Blessed day!
I love to read about your fresh produce from your garden. I would love to have some from mine but there isn't any!!
It's a much as we can do to have tomatoes in pots and they don't do very well.
We are all rock here and just for some flowers we had to get soil trucked in. Also we are almost all shade so not too much will grow and thrive in that.
Oh yeah my air has been going full force about a week now, with temps in the high 90's we really need it, we have lots of big oaks here too, but still the humidity and heat is just too much not to have it cool, hugs my friend, Barbara
We are going to have hot humid stuff here for the next few days so maybe it is moving north away from you? Knowing it will be for a short period makes it bearable. We didn't put the a/c in last year and hope we don't have to this year.
It's still steamy here too , we do have the A.C. on , but it's set on 76 degrees to save on the electric bill , sometimes it doesn't seem to be working at all.
I need to check-out the bread store in Sanford and see if they offer deals like that.
Your supper sounds delish , can't beat all those fresh veggies. I worked in the garden this morning , came in the house wet with sweat , so I took a shower and I'm resting while blogging.
Look forward to hearing about the new buck , guess I need to start looking for one in the next month or so.
Glad to hear Maggie is doing well , a stressful job isn't worth your health.
~ Blessings ~
We are under a Red Flag warning AGAIN. Hot heavy hard winds DAILY!
Really not normal for us in June...August maybe, but not June.
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