When I was 12 years old I went with my Sunday School class to Greenville , SC to see Billy Graham preach. I can still feel the goose bumps I got as he preached. It was a memorable service for me. I have been to church camps near his home and have read most of his and his wife Ruth's books. He speaks and writes straight and in a way everyone can understand. His book Storm Warning helped me understand the book of Revelations. Each time I had read it before I would be so confused. He takes the scriptures, explains and also applies to today's world. He explains John's visions and writings so easily that I finally understood the signs of the end of times. He writes about the changes he has seen around the world during his lifetime. He writes clearly about the 4 horsemen and the seals which helped me greatly. Rev. Graham updated his book to include the world happenings of today. He writes about the signs of the times, the apocalypse, and standing before God. A book that has lots of food for thought. It starts out a little slow but once you get into it you won't want to put it down. You will find yourself saying I understand now the more you read.
I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com book review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
I never heard Billy Graham preach except on TV. I used to enjoy hearing him then.Helen
I am heading over to Amazon to get me one!
Great book review. I'll check it out.
Love the picture at the top of your blog. It looks great.
I have always admired Billy and Ruth Graham. Daddy had several of his books. I have not read this one - thanks for letting us know how much you appreciated it. Have a good night.
I have not read the book, but anything Billy Graham said or wrote was inspired and touched the hearts of millions and showed them the way.
I will look out for this book.
Thank you for sharing your insights into the book. It sounds great! I will definitely look for it. I enjoy your daily experiences.
In Christ's Love,
My Dad & I got to hear Billy Graham with our old church group, several years ago in Cleveland, Ohio.
I don't think Mama every missed any of Billy Graham's T.V. revivals. He is one of a kind.
Great book review.
Have a good day.
I love the picture at the top of your blog, I'd like a big one and have it hanging on my wall!!
Sounds like a good book !Thanks for sharing the info.
Have aGreat day!
I remember when I was about 13 Billy Graham was at the First Baptist Church in my home town.
A couple school mates and I went.
And it does seem that a message is aimed at us sometimes. We'll either say Amen or Oh Me! Maybe the Lord is trying to get our attention.
I always liked Billy Graham and this looks like a great book! I'll have to check about getting one. Thanks for the review!!
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